What We Do
The Massachusetts StrongStart Professional Development Centers (PDCs), which are administered by the Institute for Early Education Leadership and Innovation, offer professional development and learning, and program development and quality improvement training for the state’s 9,000 licensed early care and education programs and 70,000 early educators. Professional development is available in the following ways:
Professional Learning Communities (PLC): A PLC is a facilitated group of educators and administrators that meet regularly to share expertise, improve teaching skills, enhance program quality, and improve learning experiences for children. The professional development and learning that takes place within a PLC taps expertise from the field. Learning happens in real time as PLC members share the results of their experiments that solve the problems of practice.
One-on-one coaching: Family child care owners and out-of-school time and center directors and administrators work with a skilled coach who focuses on supporting educators with all aspects of managing an ECE business including curriculum development and improvement, and the needs of staff, families, and children.
Information about these services can be found on the pages of our regional Professional Development Centers at the links below: