Upcoming Online Trainings
Beginning July 1, 2023, professional development opportunities offered through EEC’s Professional Development Centers (PDCs) will begin to list on StrongStart, EEC’s Online Professional Development System and on the PDC Training Calendar available at EECStrongStart.org. During this transition time, please visit StrongStart or EECStrongStart.org to register for PDC training opportunities.
Additional information about PDCs, including PDC coaching services and resources, will continue to be available on this site.
Find the right training:
Scheduled training:
On this page, you will find training courses that happen on a specific date and time.
All PDC events are available to all early educators across Massachusetts regardless of the region where they live or work.
Additional training options:
For more EEC-funded trainings available online go to https://strongstart.eoe.mass.gov/ets/login.aspx
For Potential Provider Meetings and FCC Module 1 and 2 Trainings go to https://www.mass.gov/child-care-program-licensing