Online training continues!

Our in-person trainings have been cancelled through April 6. But professional development continues with online sessions. Below are three upcoming sessions that will be taught online. They are open to everyone in the state, regardless of your region.


The Outdoor Classroom—Saturday, March 21, 2020

Outdoor play offers a wealth of benefits for children—fresh air, room to run and develop gross motor skills, and opportunities to engage with the natural world in wondrous and surprising ways. Yet, children are not spending as much time outdoors as they could. Compared to the 1970s, children now spend 50 percent less time in unstructured outdoor activities. Research also shows that nearly half of US preschoolers don’t have even one parent-supervised outdoor play opportunity per day.

As educators, we have the opportunity to create learning environments that take children back outdoors, creating spaces where they have the chance to learn in and from the world around them. The Outdoor Classroom will support educators in understanding the importance of an OutdoorClassroom, reviewing guidelines and best practices for outdoor learning, and designing a curriculum that utilizes the outdoors as a crucial piece of ECE curriculum.

This online training is from 9:00 a.m.-3 p.m. It is free and open to all regardless of region, but you must pre-register. More info/registration here.


Strengthening Families and the 5 Protective Factors—Sunday, March 22-Monday, April 6 (self-paced online training)

As early educators, we can play an important role in reducing child abuse and neglect. The Strengthening Families approach was developed by The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) after conducting research on early care and education programs across the country. In 2001, CSSP began documenting the role #ECE programs can have in the reduction of child abuse and neglect. Researchers found a positive link between good early childhood education and care programs and the reduction of abuse and neglect, which resulted in the creation of a new framework and approach to preventing the mistreatment of children.

The training will include a history of the Strengthening Families Approach, risk and protective factors, strategies to support families, and the early childhood educator self-assessment.

This is a self-paced, online training that begins March 22 through April 6. It is free and open to all regardless of region, but you must pre-register. More info/registration here.


When Educators Have Concerns: Connecting Children and Parents to Services—Monday, April 6, 2020

Do you have concerns about a particular child’s development in your program? Not sure what to do? Then join us for “When Educators Have Concerns: Connecting Children and Parents to Services,” Monday, April 6 from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Learn about the "red flags," developmental screening, the referral process, and how to approach parents about their child's needs. Participants will discuss how to collaborate with other professionals once special education services have started. Resources will be shared and there will be time to address individual questions and situations.

This online training is free and open to all regardless of region, but you must pre-register. More info/registration here.

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