Developmental Monitoring and Screening Week Begins April 12
We measure young children’s cognitive, social, and physical development with specific milestones, e.g., a baby should be able to hold their head up when on their tummy by 2 months, make cooing sounds by 4 months, and recognize familiar people by 6 months. A delay in these and other areas can be a sign of a developmental problem. The earlier developmental delays are diagnosed the sooner children can receive the interventions they need to thrive.
That’s why Massachusetts Act Early organized the Massachusetts Statewide Developmental Monitoring and Screening Week April 12-19. The week aims to raise awareness of the resources available to help children thrive, share information to support the growth and development of young children, and celebrate parents and caregivers as the very first teachers of children.
It’s easy to participate. Join in by simply choosing a day during the week to hold an event or use a portion of an existing event on your program’s calendar. You can also intentionally share resources and information about the importance of frequent communication, positive interactions, and marking milestones to support growth and development of young children in your interactions with families throughout the week. Participating sites will receive Milestone Moments booklets to distribute to children who receive developmental monitoring and/or screening.
Questions? Email MA Act Early Ambassador Kate Barlow.